Whole House Filtration System For Perchlorate Removal

Perchlorate is both a naturally occurring as well as a man-made inorganic chemical that consists of one chlorine atom bonded to four oxygen atoms (ClO4). Manufactured forms of perchlorate include perchloric acid and salts such as ammonium perchlorate, sodium perchlorate and potassium perchlorate. Perchlorate is an oxidizer used in the manufacturing of fireworks, explosives, and other pyrotechnics. Perchlorate is commonly used in solid rocket propellants, munitions, fireworks, airbag initiators for vehicles, matches and signal flares. Contamination of soil and water is found predominantly in areas where the manufacture, use, and storage of munitions and rocket propellants took place over the last 50 years. Of the domestically produced perchlorate, 90 percent is manufactured for use in the defense and aerospace industries, primarily in the form of ammonium perchlorate. Perchlorate is highly soluble in water, and relatively stable and mobile in surface and subsurface aqueous systems. As a result, perchlorate plumes in groundwater can be extensive.

Perchlorate can reduce the thyroid gland’s ability to produce enough hormone, by preventing iodide uptake into the gland. Tumors may also develop as a result of changes in the thyroid hormone levels the helps regulate many bodily functions, including metabolism and neurological development. At greatest risk are expectant mothers, developing fetuses and infants. The perchlorate anion is highly stable in water and is difficult to remove using conventional water treatment technologies. The advanced treatment technologies that have been shown to effectively remove perchlorate from water may not be readily available or applicable to low resource regions. Effective advanced technologies include reverse osmosis and nanofiltration, anaerobic biodegradation and ion exchange using strong basic anion exchange or perchlorate-selective ion exchange resins. There aren’t many filters that are WQA or NSF certified for perchlorate removal. The Watts Premier RO Pure Reverse Osmosis System is one of the few whole-house water filtration system that is WQA and NSF certified for perchlorate removal.


The RO Pure Reverse Osmosis Filtration System is designed keeping in mind the average customer requirements especially with respect to space. It is a space-saving, compact design that allows this system to fit under the sink with minimal space requirements. The 3-gallon storage tank stores enough water for daily use. Changing the filters is as easy as pushing a button. With the build in shut of valve when removing the filters there is no mess like traditional models. The filters snap out and are easily inserted.

The RO Pure Reverse Osmosis Filtration System uses a 4-Stage Filtration based upon separate treatments.

  1. Sediment – A 5-micron Sediment Filter traps sediment and other particles like dirt, silt and rust which affect the taste and appearance of your water.
  2. Carbon – A 5-micron Carbon Block Filter reducing Chlorine, and other materials that cause bad taste and odor.
  3. 50 GPD (gallons per day) Membrane – This is the heart of the system. A Semipermeable Membrane removes TDS, Sodium and a wide range of contaminants such as Perchlorate, Chromium, Arsenic, Copper, Lead as well as Cysts, such as Giardia and Cryptosporidium.
  4. Carbon Post – A high quality Final Polishing Filter after the water storage tank to remove any remaining chlorine or other chemicals that cause bad taste or odor before being dispensed.

Table 1 summarizes the contaminant reduction claims for the Watts Premier WP531411, RO-Pure Reverse Osmosis Model.




Reverse osmosis filtration system is one of the most extensive methods of filtration. It removes a broad range of contaminants such as perchlorate, total dissolved solids (TDS), chlorine taste and odor, organic compounds, sediment, and cysts. Sani Water are one of the exclusive suppliers and consultants of a varied range of whole-house reverse osmosis systems.

Saniwater can help their customers with suitable recommendations for perchlorate removal from drinking water.  The technicians can also help with installation of the recommended filter products. Saniwater is dedicated to offer best solutions to meet the drinking water requirements of their customers.



  1. https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2017-10/documents/perchlorate_factsheet_9-15-17_508.pdf
  2. https://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/water-quality/guidelines/chemicals/perchlorate-background-jan17.pdf?ua=1
  3. https://wqa.org/Portals/0/Technical/Technical%20Fact%20Sheets/2016_Perchlorate.pdf?ver=DI3opNDUh9_n-6iNXRAHmQ%3d%3d
  4. https://www.ewg.org/tapwater/reviewed-perchlorate.php#:~:text=EWG%20recommends%20a%20Maximum%20Contaminant,health%20harms%20caused%20by%20perchlorate.
  5. https://www.premierh2o.com/collections/reverse-osmosis/products/premier_531411_ro-pure_reverse_osmosis_system
  6. https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0826/7845/files/IOM-Premier-RO-PURE.pdf?v=1594407870
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